Golden Gateway to Manteca

“Golden Gateway to Manteca” The commissioned artist, Ron Pecchenino, continued our theme of Manteca as a crossroads of Northern California, this mural shows Manteca as a crossroads to San Francisco. This is a 10’ x 20’ mural that is on second story of the east wall of 213 W. Yosemite Avenue. Just look up to see a beautiful work of art!


“Crossroads” by D.S. Gordon located at the corner of Yosemite Avenue and Main Street depicts that same intersection at the time of Manteca’s incorporation as a city in 1918. It was a time of transition from horsepower & seasonal rains for growing to automobiles, trains and irrigation. Great futures were possible as towns began to appear throughout the Central Valley. The image is 20’ x 78’ and was unveiled and dedicated June 1, 2003 on Manteca’s 85th birthday. This mural is on the Century Furniture Building at 110 West Yosemite Avenue.